The gaming community at large knows Fils-Aime for his iconic presentations for Nintendo over the years, and for his friendly and welcoming demeanor.

Reggie’s going to be leaving some big shoes to fill, but who better to step into them but Nintendo’s own, aptly-named, Doug Bowser?

Bowser worked at Nintendo of America as its Senior President of Sales and Marketing since May of 2015, a year before the Nintendo Switch was revealed and a year before Nintendo made some big changes to its image.

If anyone were to take the over for Fils-Aims, it’d be Doug Bowser. Not just because of the bizarrely appropriate name.

Though he may be leaving Nintendo of America, Fils-Aime will probably continue to be known throughout the gaming community for years to come. His audacious E3 introduction all those years ago set the tone for his public persona. The rest, as they say, is history.

Reggie Fils-Aime has been synonymous with Nintendo of America for over a decade. In a way, it feels like another sign of an end of an era at Nintendo.

Surely fans and Nintendo of America themselves can feel confident with Doug Bowser at the head. This is not a day too be sad, but one to usher in a new era of Nintendo. I’m eager to see where the company will go under Doug Bowser. You should be, too.