They created a short mockup video of what the farm-sim game might look like in virtual reality, putting it alongside other virtual reality titles like the in-development Land of Amara and already-out Racoon Lagoon. We see the armless farmer hoeing a few squares in a fenced-off field before tossing the implement away to grab a few seed packs.

Planting is just as easy and basic as it is in the real Stardew Valley; it’s just a matter of grabbing up seeds and selecting which square they go in. The next step is obviously watering said seeds, and it’s just as basic, though TheMikeDaoust did make it where you can chuck the watering can away as well, which is fun.

Currently, they have no intention of developing a VR game like Stardew Valley and simply used the fundamental tools available on Unity to make a proof-of-concept.

That’s a bit of a bummer if you ask us. Apart from some motion-sickness-inducing movements, there’s a lot of potential in this kind of game in VR. It’s immersive, true, but Redditer u/PantsuitEmporium made a good point in one of the comments: this kind of thing would be ideal for people who don’t have access to real green spaces.

Hopefully, we’ll see someone take up the challenge and carry the farm-sim VR game through to completion in the near future (hey, ConcernedApe!). Until then, stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Stardew Valley and VR news as it develops.

Redditor Cultivates Stardew Valley VR Mockup   Stardew Valley - 10