According to FF7R co-director Naoki Hamaguchi, Red XIII gets the spotlight in a brand-new segment added towards the end of the game. It’s a new area in Shinra’s headquarters with a myriad of environmental obstacles only Red XIII and his special abilities can clear.

Though Red XIII is still a guest character, Hamaguchi said, “Letting the player experience his heroics in this way is something that I’m confident will please the fans.”

It’s apparently not the only new feature added towards the end of the game either. Yoshinori Kitase re-iterated what we already know about Midgar being expanded in the remake, saying the city is much more coherent and connected this time around. Hamaguchi added to that by saying the game is treated as a standalone Final Fantasy entry, which means it’ll have endgame content like most other Final Fantasy games, even though it’s just part one.

The full interview lives on the Square Enix website. Final Fantasy 7 Remake finally launches on April 10 for PlayStation 4, so stay tuned to GameSkinny for more FF7R news as it develops.

Red XIII Has Shinra Floor Designed Just for Him in Final Fantasy 7 Remake - 90