According to reports, the multiplayer will offer players six different modes to choose from – including the obligatory battle royale mode.

Titled “Make It Count”, Red Dead Redemption 2’s take on the battle royale genre pits 32 players against each other in a map with a shrinking circle. There are three maps pulled from the base game: Strawberry, Stillwater Creek, and Tall Trees, and players will be able to fight with weapons like bows and arrows and throwing knives. (Though not mentioned, it’s probably safe to assume that shotguns and rifles are available, or will become available, as well.)

Other multiplayer modes include “Most Wanted”, “Name Your Weapon”, “Team Shootout”, “Hostile Territory”, and “Races”. The first is a leaderboard style PvP event where players fight for the most kills, the trick being that all that killing will earn a player an increasing bounty on their head, making them the primary target of other players.

In “Name Your Weapon” players will use a pre-determined set of weapons to fight each other with. Depending on the weapon used, and the difficulty in using them, players can earn even more points.

“Races” is exactly what it sounds like. Players compete in one of three types of races: point to point, open, and laps. All take place on different maps throughout the game.

As for “Team Shootout” and “Hostile Territory”, these are your standard team deathmatch, and a capture the zone PvP mode, respectively.

Red Dead Redemption Online will also feature single-player story missions, much like GTA Online. 

Stay tuned for our impressions on Red Dead Redemption Online in the coming days, as well as guides on the mode’s activities and missions. If you’re looking for tips on Red Dead Redemption 2, be sure to head over to our RDR 2 game hub.