Mosunmola Filani Oduoye has been hitched her attractive spouse, Oduoye quite a while back, and their marriage is honored with charming youngsters.

She is appraised one of the most gorgeous, famous, and exceptionally capable entertainers we have in the business. She is a film maker, movie producer, spouse, mother, business visionary, and brand representative. She has around 581,000 supporters on her Instagram page.

She is gifted, inventive, skilful, and astoundingly great with regards to acting and understanding of jobs.

— Olisa.Tv (@olisatv) May 23, 2017

Mosunmola is notable for her dynamism, activity, and adaptability in Yoruba motion pictures. Her way at conveyance of jobs is adored and loved by her fans in Nigeria and then some.

She is equipped for assuming any part in the motion pictures. Look at certain responses the pictures produced: